CARLA messages reference

The following reference lists all the CARLA messages available in the ROS bridge.

Any doubts regarding these messages or the CARLA-ROS bridge can be solved in the forum.


Information shared between ROS and CARLA regarding an actor.

Field Type Description
id uint32 The ID of the actor.
parent_id uint32 The ID of the parent actor. `0` if no parent available.
type string The identifier of the blueprint this actor was based on.
rolename string Role assigned to the actor when spawned.


A list of messages with some basic information for CARLA actors.

Field Type Description
actors CarlaActorInfo List of messages with actors' information.


Data retrieved on a collision event detected by the collision sensor of an actor.

Field Type Description
header Header Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published.
other_actor_id uint32 ID of the actor against whom the collision was detected.
normal_impulse geometry_msgs/Vector3 Vector representing resulting impulse from the collision.


These messages control the simulation while in synchronous mode. The constant defined is translated as stepping commands.

Field Type Description
command int8 PLAY=0


In synchronous mode, only the ROS bridge client is allowed to tick.


Messages sent to apply a control to a vehicle in both modes, autopilot and manual. These are published in a stack.

Field Type Description
header Header Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published.
throttle float32 Scalar value to cotrol the vehicle throttle: [0.0, 1.0]
steer float32 Scalar value to control the vehicle steering direction: [-1.0, 1.0] to control the vehicle steering
brake float32 Scalar value to control the vehicle brakes: [0.0, 1.0]
hand_brake bool If True, the hand brake is enabled.
reverse bool If True, the vehicle will move reverse.
gear int32 Changes between the available gears in a vehicle.
manual_gear_shift bool If True, the gears will be shifted using gear.


Static information regarding a vehicle, mostly the attributes used to define the vehicle's physics.

Field Type Description
id uint32 ID of the vehicle actor.
type string The identifier of the blueprint this vehicle was based on.
type string The identifier of the blueprint this vehicle was based on.
rolename string Role assigned to the vehicle.
wheels CarlaEgoVehicleInfoWheel List of messages with information regarding wheels.
max_rpm float32 Maximum RPM of the vehicle's engine.
moi float32 Moment of inertia of the vehicle's engine.
damping_rate_full_throttle float32 Damping rate when the throttle is at maximum.
float32 Damping rate when the throttle is zero with clutch engaged.
float32 Damping rate when the throttle is zero with clutch disengaged.
use_gear_autobox bool If True, the vehicle will have an automatic transmission.
gear_switch_time float32 Switching time between gears.
clutch_strength float32 The clutch strength of the vehicle. Measured in Kgm^2/s.
mass float32 The mass of the vehicle measured in Kg.
drag_coefficient float32 Drag coefficient of the vehicle's chassis.
center_of_mass geometry_msgs/Vector3 The center of mass of the vehicle.


Static information regarding a wheel that will be part of a CarlaEgoVehicleInfo.msg message.

Field Type Description
tire_friction float32 A scalar value that indicates the friction of the wheel.
damping_rate float32 The damping rate of the wheel.
max_steer_angle float32 The maximum angle in degrees that the wheel can steer.
radius float32 The radius of the wheel in centimeters.
max_brake_torque float32 The maximum brake torque in Nm.
max_handbrake_torque float32 The maximum handbrake torque in Nm.
position geometry_msgs/Vector3 World position of the wheel.


Current status of the vehicle as an object in the world.

Field Type Description
header Header Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published.
velocity float32 Current speed of the vehicle.
acceleration geometry_msgs/Accel Current acceleration of the vehicle.
orientation geometry_msgs/Quaternion Current orientation of the vehicle.
control CarlaEgoVehicleControl Current control values as reported by CARLA.


These messages publish lane invasions detected by a lane-invasion sensor attached to a vehicle. The invasions detected in the last step are passed as a list with a constant definition to identify the lane crossed.

Field Type Description
header header Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published.
crossed_lane_markings int32[] LANE_MARKING_OTHER=0


Details for a test scenario.

Field Type Description
name string Name of the scenario.
scenario_file string Test file for the scenario.
destination geometry_msgs/Pose Goal location of the scenario.
target_speed float64 Desired speed during the scenario.


List of test scenarios to run in ScenarioRunner.

Field Type Description
scenarios CarlaScenario[] List of scenarios.


Current state of the ScenarioRunner. It is managed using a constant.

Field Type Description
status uint8 Current state of the scenario as an enum:


Current world settings of the simulation.

Field Type Description
frame uint64 Current frame number.
fixed_delta_seconds float32 Simulation time between last and current step.
synchronous_mode bool If True, synchronous mode is enabled.
synchronous_mode_running bool True when the simulation is running. False when it is paused.


Constant definition regarding the state of a traffic light.

Field Type Description
id uint32 ID of the traffic light actor.
state uint8 RED=0


List of traffic lights with their status.

Field Type Description
scenarios CarlaTrafficLightStatus[] A list of messages summarizing traffic light states.


Information needed to apply a movement controller to a walker.

Field Type Description
direction geometry_msgs/Vector3 Vector that controls the direction of the walker.
speed float32 A scalar value to control the walker's speed.
jump bool If True, the walker will jump.


Data contained in a waypoint object.

Field Type Description
road_id int32 OpenDRIVE road's id.
section_id int32 OpenDRIVE section's id, based on the order that they are originally defined.
lane_id int32 OpenDRIVE lane's id, this value can be positive or negative which represents the direction of the current lane with respect to the road.
is_junction bool True, if the current Waypoint is on a junction as defined by OpenDRIVE.
is_junction geometry_msgs/Pose True when the simulation is running. False when it is paused.


Information about the current CARLA map.

Field Type Description
map_name string Name of the CARLA map loaded in the current world.
opendrive string .xodr OpenDRIVE file of the current map as a string.


Current time, speed and acceleration values of the vehicle. Used by the controller. It is part of a Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg message.

Field Type Description
time_sec float32 Current time when the controller is applied.
speed float32 Current speed applied by the controller.
speed_abs float32 Speed as an absolute value.
accel float32 Current acceleration applied by the controller.


Current values within an Ackermann controller. These messages are useful for debugging.

Field Type Description
header header Time stamp and frame ID when the message is published.
restrictions EgoVehicleControlMaxima Limits to the controller values.
target EgoVehicleControlTarget Limits to the controller values.
current EgoVehicleControlCurrent Limits to the controller values.
status EgoVehicleControlStatus Limits to the controller values.
output CarlaEgoVehicleControl Limits to the controller values.


Controller restrictions (limit values). It is part of a Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg message.

Field Type Description
max_steering_angle float32 Max. steering angle for a vehicle.
max_speed float32 Max. speed for a vehicle.
max_accel float32 Max. acceleration for a vehicle.
max_decel float32 Max. deceleration for a vehicle. Default: 8m/s^2
min_accel float32 Min. acceleration for a vehicle. When the Ackermann taget accel. exceeds this value, the input accel. is controlled.
max_pedal float32 Min. pedal.


Current status of the ego vehicle controller. It is part of a Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg message.

Field Type Description
status string Current control status.
speed_control_activation_count uint8 Speed controller.
speed_control_accel_delta float32 Speed controller.
speed_control_accel_target float32 Speed controller.
accel_control_pedal_delta float32 Acceleration controller.
accel_control_pedal_target float32 Acceleration controller.
brake_upper_border float32 Borders for lay off pedal.
throttle_lower_border float32 Borders for lay off pedal.


Target values of the ego vehicle controller. It is part of a Carla_Ackermann_Control.EgoVehicleControlInfo.msg message.

Field Type Description
steering_angle float32 Target steering angle for the controller.
speed float32 Target speed for the controller.
speed_abs float32 Speed as an absolute value.
accel float32 Target acceleration for the controller.
jerk float32 Target jerk for the controller.