CARLA Settings

This document is a work in progress and might be incomplete.


CARLA reads its settings from a "CarlaSettings.ini" file. This file controls most aspects of the simulation, and it is loaded every time a new episode is started (every time the level is loaded).

Settings are loaded following the next hierarchy, with values later in the hierarchy overriding earlier values.

  1. {CarlaFolder}/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Config/CarlaSettings.ini.
  2. File provided by command-line argument -carla-settings="Path/To/CarlaSettings.ini".
  3. Other command-line arguments as -carla-server or -world-port.
  4. Settings file sent by the client on every new episode.

Take a look at the CARLA Settings example.

Weather presets

The weather and lighting conditions can be chosen from a set of predefined settings. To select one, set the WeatherId key in CarlaSettings.ini. The following presets are available

  • 0 - Default
  • 1 - ClearNoon
  • 2 - CloudyNoon
  • 3 - WetNoon
  • 4 - WetCloudyNoon
  • 5 - MidRainyNoon
  • 6 - HardRainNoon
  • 7 - SoftRainNoon
  • 8 - ClearSunset
  • 9 - CloudySunset
  • 10 - WetSunset
  • 11 - WetCloudySunset
  • 12 - MidRainSunset
  • 13 - HardRainSunset
  • 14 - SoftRainSunset

E.g., to choose the weather to be hard-rain at noon, add to CarlaSettings.ini


Simulator command-line options

  • -carla-server Launches CARLA as server, the execution hangs until a client connects.
  • -carla-settings="Path/To/CarlaSettings.ini" Load settings from the given INI file. See Example.CarlaSettings.ini.
  • -carla-world-port=N Listen for client connections at port N, agent ports are set to N+1 and N+2 respectively. Activates server.
  • -carla-no-hud Do not display the HUD by default.
  • -carla-no-networking Disable networking. Overrides -carla-server if present.